Born to Serve God
I grew up in a Christian household, and from as far back as I can remember, I’ve always believed in God. I recall being around 14 when I said to God in my heart, "I want to serve You, but I’ll do that on my death bed because I want to live my life first." But the Lord, in His mercy, would warn me through dreams, showing me that this attitude was dangerous. So, by the time I was 16, I surrendered my life to Christ, and the rest is history.
Fast forward to today, and I have a burning desire to serve the Lord and advance His kingdom. As a business woman, I know what it’s like to sweat for earthly possessions, but over time, my heart grew dissatisfied, and I began crying out, "Lord, there must be a way for me to work for You. If I must sweat, let it be for saving souls." I thought that maybe I’d stumble upon a Christian job opportunity, but never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be the one to create that opportunity for myself.
God, in His goodness, blessed me with talents that I can now use for His glory. I’ve been incredibly blessed to write, "Loving Others God's Way," which became the door to my ministry.
Now, my sole ambition is to be a vessel that God can work through, as I no longer want people to see me, but to see Him. May the Lord be glorified through my life!